Toodooloo winter, HELLOOOO spring - and none too soon. The sounds of shovels scraping the pavement and snowblowers, well, blowing, gave way this morning to the "sweet hum" of the leaf blowers clearing out the yards of winter debris.
But, before the noise, my favorite sound are birds that have already begun to announce morning.
I've been eyeing the rhododendron waiting for their plump buds to deliver some color to the garden. I may be a great fan of black & white apparel but when it comes to spring I can't wait until the first pinks and yellows of the season pop. The brutal winter - I've high hopes for the well-enough hydrated ground to grow green again against a clear blue sky backdrop.
Oh well - enough of my AM reverie.
Gotta get a laundry in, showered, dressed and to work.
The phone's ringing already.
And I'm avoiding looking at the tax returns that popped up in my email box last night from my accountant.
No news yet about the revised website from my webmaster. But it's coming soon! Just some tweaking.
Ahhh, a sweet hour of procrastination - can't live without it!