Jake spent more time this weekend with me then he has in months. I chalked it up to his (a) friends being busy, (b) needing a break from same friends, (c) needing some family time, (c) realizing that he's leaving in a few weeks for college. We spent some hours shopping at Bed, Bath and Beyond to outfit his dorm room, ran a few errands (together!) and then agreed to meet up later on for dinner.
Nothing TOO unusual at dinner - the idle chitchat, pretty good food - but a surprising willingness to see "Inception" with me on Sunday ( Jake hasn't seen a movie with me since "Toy Story" - the original.)
As the waiter is dropping the check on the table Jake feels it's the appropriate time to launch into what's to come when we're alone in the car.
"Listen... I have something to tell you but I don't want you to go ape shit on me in the restaurant."
"What happened, Jake?" I asked, calmly disarmed.
"After Stephen's surprise birthday party a few of us went back to Dad's house." he said.
"And?," said I.
"Well a bunch more kids came over."
"How many were there?"
"I think 32. No, maybe 30."
"You counted?"
"Yeah. We collected money from them so I know how many came."
"Why were you collecting money?"
"That's not the point, mom."
What IS the point, Jake?"
"The cops came because we were making too much noise and the neighbors complained."
"Did you get busted for anything else? Drugs, alcohol?"
"No mom. It was just the noise and the cops gave me a Noise Violation. I have to go to court on Tuesday."
"And there were NO drugs or alcohol???"
"Just some beer."
"You're underage - how did you buy beer. Why didn't the cops card you? Are you telling me EVERYTHING????? Did you call your dad?"
"Mom, I swear! The cops were pretty nice about it. And yes, Dad knows."
"Who bought the beer, Jake?"
"Mom, I can't tell you that."
"Frankly Jake, I don't care right now who bought it. But it's the last time.............................."
"Mom, I know, I'm really sorry. I'm so embarrassed. I don't want to see any of the neighbors. I even typed up a letter of apology and slipped it under everyone's door."
"And what was the money for Jake?"
"It's what we do to pay for the beer and in case there's damage."
Was there any damage?"
"No Mom! The house is perfect."
"So you gave everyone back their money, right?"
"Not yet. They had to leave when the cops left. Anyway, I'm going to use it to pay the fine."
No, no, no, no, NO. You're going to give everyone their money back and you're going to pay for the fine out of your own money."
Changed plans for Tuesday. WE are going to court.
Motherhood. It's NEVER over. NEVER.