To say I love my BusyBodyBook planner/organizer is an understatement. I'm about to start my third planner, and I'm hooked! When I started using the BusyBodyBook with it's unique 5-column grid system, I had never been able to stick with a planner. Oh, I always started out using it -- filling in not only appointments and deadlines, but lists of things to do, menu ideas etc. But my resolve to use a planner in the way its intending always fizzled after a few months.
Not so with the BusyBodyBook. Perhaps because when I got my first one, I had more to keep up with -- more kids, more deadlines, more appointments. But I think it was the user-friendly format that opened up new ways of using it that caused me to become dependent on it.
For me, the layout is ideal.
The right side of the page holds a week's worth of the 5-column grid. I use the first column for appointments and regularly scheduled activities. The second column is devoted to keeping track of my hours for the freelance work I do. Column three is for keeping track of blog stuff. Columns four and five are sort of for overlap. When I'm on my game, I use the last one for meal planning, but that doesn't always happen (however it does make a lot more sense to keep it there than on the back of shopping list, which is the other place it ends up).
The left side of the book is blank on the first half and has a lined to-do list (complete with a place to check it off) on the right side. This side of the page gets my brainstorms, my hope-to-do list of household chores and errands, reviews that need to be written etc etc.
I personally use the Aug - Aug version because I am always getting my act together at Back-to-School time.
Jennifer Donovan, 5 Minutes For Mom
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