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      « Movin' In: First Day Confessions & CONTEST! | Main | It's BBQ Season! Some summer safety tips. »

      June 08, 2009


      Debbie Nimah

      Moving into my current house was one of the most stressful situations I have ever encountered and one that I will never repeat. My husband was relocated across the country from Nevada to Florida. We had two months to make the move. We had a 3 1/2 year old and I was 6 months pregnant at the time. We found a house on our first trip out but I felt it needed some renovations before we moved in. Our realtor set us up with some contractors and I made a lot of design decisions via phone and internet. My father, who is retired, agreed to stay at the house during construction even though he knows nothing about construction. We were having a wall with a fireplace taken out and replaced with built in wall units, replacing all the floors with marble, stripping the house of wallpaper and repainting the entire house. All project were to be completed by the time we moved in. Well they weren't. So on moving day the movers were moving our things into the house while wires were hanging from the walls, placing my furniture on concrete floors with construction dust as I try to keep my three year old safe. In addition, we had a unpacking crew to help with unpacking the boxes. I am still, 4 years later finding this where they don't belong. They shoved things anywhere they could find a spot to clear through the boxes. So unhelpful. Oh and my husband was called away that day to an out of town meeting so I had to weather this alone. Yes I had to take a moment and just cry in order to keep pushing forward. I did however learn a lot of valuable lessons. Never start any construction projects when you are not there to supervise yourself. Never expect contractors to pay attention to schedules. Never move when you are 6 months pregnant. Make sure your husband clears his schedule during the week you are moving. Hire a professional organzier instead of an unpacking crew.

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