From the moment we think of becoming a parent the inherent joy we feel at the prospect, the process (what fun!), the months of waiting for his/her/their arrival, their birth, - and every minute after, there are countless, sleepless nights.
I smirk when moms of newborns relate their one wish for one full night of slumber - when the baby finally sleeps through the night and the dark circles under their own eyes have the chance to fade.
The other day as I followed Jake home after purchasing his first car, I remembered those first nights when Jake, finally sleeping through, found me hovering over his crib listening for his breath. I will attest to the fact that it does get better...
But now, this child of mine, who I taught to stay on the sidewalk when his ball rolled into the street, whose scheduled playdates became driving lessons in my BusyBodyBook, is now behind the wheel of a car - and so we continue to teach him the little, but hopefully indelible lessons that I know only experience can now offer.
As I drove behind him my only, lifelong prayer was that he would be kept safe.
I'm up at night again - a few (or more) gray hairs later. We are parents forever - teaching thoughtfully, applauding their triumphs but ever-concerned about our children's welfare. Our work may diminish as the kids navigate adulthood - our joy still boundless. Forever worried, we are forever parents. It 's part of the job.
Seventeen years later I'm back to napping!
love this post, Joan. very touching
Posted by: Sheila | June 19, 2009 at 10:16 AM