Paper, electronic, online, dry erase, chalk board, ... the planning tools available today to help manage our time is mind boggling. With multiple schedules and hectic activities to coordinate at home (not to mention the plans, projects and personnel to keep track of at work!) my last research indicated that each household uses 3.1 calendar systems to keep them moving along - and that's just the paper variety!
Planning is critical today. Just managing to get to an appointed place on time is often a test.
Especially now we're looking at and buying up any new and better time management products to help us. But the truth is, it begins with us - not the tool. Are we really intent on focusing on what's important - prioritizing? If not, there aren't enough tools to be bought or swimmies to keep our heads above water. Prioritizing may seem just another buzz word but it's the only way to truly personalize and tame the tigers that eat up so much time in our lives. No set rules - just the motivation to live a better lifestyle.
It begins with some quiet time to reflect on what's personally important in our lives (and yes, the endless baskets of laundry and bags of groceries should be on your list.) Stick to your routines so that when those inevitable daily or seasonal "emergencies" pop up it doesn't create [as much] chaos.
Start with a list of your routines - I like to work with columns (Quel surprise!)
2. Share the PLANNING and RESPONSIBILITIES. Get everyone involved and delegate chores. When the kids moan & groan, don't cave in. Remind them that you're a family.
3. SCHEDULE "Me" time & family time too.
4. Don't OVERBOOK. Say "NO" when you can't afford the energy and/or time or you think the kid's activities are over the top (and let go of the guilt.)
5. Be FLEXIBLE. Need a breather? Refresh (see #3) yourself.
6.Choose planning CALENDARS that help best manage your family and work. Write your schedules CLEARLY so that everyone can view their own (and each others!) POST it where everyone can easily reference it. Check it often!
Time is a commodity we can either use up - or use well.
To manage better, plan ahead - you'll find
even more time and more opportunity to play.
Last but not least, don't just squeeze yourself in - plan for you!
BusyBodyBook calendar planners are flexible, spacious and so easy to use!
Customize BBB's columns to meet your own lifestyle needs.