This past weekend I was contacted by blogger Lois Whittaker of goodiesformoms requesting help broadcasting a huge event occurring the week of August 11, 2008 called "Blogging for Blood Cancer." The event's goal is to raise the awareness and funds to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society by enlisting the assistance of the blog community to spread the word.
Lois is also the National Team Captain of Friends of Heroes, a national Light the Night Friends and Family team that conscientiously works towards raising money for research to find a cure for those suffering from the different forms of blood cancers that all too often claim the lives of children and adults.
Only months ago my sister-in-law was diagnosed with acute leukemia. She is currently and, thank god, successfully undergoing treatment. Joyce is one of the lucky adults to have found a bone marrow match and withstand the long, grueling but life-saving treatments. Each day is a new day and one more day that she remains in remission while her new blood fights off the leukemic cells which could have taken her life.
I personally know of three others who have had a form of blood cancer. A young mother of four children won the fight of her life and remains cancer free for more than five years. But, two others, one friend just recently, were not as fortunate.
You can visit www.friends of, www.light the and for more information and ways to help. Please spread the word of this event on your blog, or perhaps give of your time or make a tax-deductible donation to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. In this we provide hope to those and their families whose lives have been overwhelmed with the effects of these diseases.
nice post about blood cancer, informative one
Posted by: bhawani | August 26, 2008 at 12:25 PM